Re: Positioned Layout proposal

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Sylvain Galineau

> > From: [] On
> > Behalf Of Tab Atkins Jr.
> > Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 12:32 PM
> > To: www-style list
> > Subject: Positioned Layout proposal
> >
> > Since I've worked at Chrome, one of the things I've heard developers
> > complain about a lot is the weakness of absolute positioning.  For
> > example, our app devs commonly want to position tooltips relative to
> > arbitrary elements in a contenteditable area.
> More use-cases would be helpful.

One use-case that's addressed by this proposal is adding UI to rich-text
content. For example, adding resize corners to an image. The resize corners
should be tied to the location of the image, but not actually in the
contentEditable area (e.g. they shouldn't be deletable or show up in
innerHTML). As it is now, people use absolute positioning for this, but it's
both a lot of code and doesn't work that great (e.g. consider the issues
with scrolling).


Received on Monday, 18 October 2010 20:13:21 UTC