RE: [css3-text] proposed value for text-align: no-justify

Tab Atkins Jr. [] wrote on October 14, 2010
2:06 PM:
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Belov, Charles 
> <> wrote:
> > I suggest the following additional item, which would primarily be 
> > useful in user style sheets:
> >
> > no-justify
> >
> > A previously computed value of 'justify' is to be replaced 
> with 'start'.
> Could you elaborate further on what this is intended to do, 
> and why just saying "text-align: start" isn't sufficient?
> I'll note that there's no such thing as "previously computed".
> Exactly one value gets chosen as the computed value; any 
> values that lost the specificity battle are ignored and forgotten.

This is an attempt to allow the user style sheet to override all website
uses of 'text-align: justify' with 'text-align: start', without having
to do this on a case-by-case basis, and without overriding 'text-align:

The use case is for an end-user who has trouble reading text which is

The goal would be to be able to code in a user style sheet:

* {
	text-align: no-justify ! important;

So that all justified text would become left-justified for LTR text or
right-justified for RTL text.

However, centered text would remain centered.

The existing fallback, were this not to be implemented, would be to code
in a user style sheet:

* {
	text-align: start ! important;

and accept that centering would be lost. 

Hope this helps,
Charles Belov
SFMTA Webmaster

Received on Thursday, 14 October 2010 22:42:03 UTC