Re: [css3-writing-modes] Inlines and logical properties

On 10/08/2010 09:03 AM, David Hyatt wrote:
> I've noticed a problem with logical properties as they relate to inlines.
> For a vertical-lr block, the before side of the block is the left and
> the after side is the right.
> However the "top" of a line and "bottom" of a line in a vertical-lr
> block are typically flipped relative to the block (see the rotated block
> above). The "top" of the line is on the "after" side of the block and
> the "bottom" of the line is on the "before" side of the block.
> My question is, "What do before and after mean on an inline?"  ...

I agree with what Koji said except for one thing: if the goal is to
have a dotted underline, probably "text-decoration-style: dotted"
from CSS3 Text is more appropriate than the dotted border. ;)


Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2010 13:19:48 UTC