Japanese CSS Text & Writing Modes slides from WDE 2010 Tokyo


The slides are in Japanese, but in case you're interested in.

I had a short (10-15 mins) talk at WDE 2010 Tokyo (Web Directions East) today. It was so short, and I wanted to cover what CSS3 is and W3C process in the talk, so it's really short.

Some of you might be aware that CSS is a big wave in Japan these days. Some of the interests are thanks to e-PUB, but many users in Japan are already aware that vertical text flow spec is making progress these days after a long silence. I see so many people in Japan are interested in what's going on in W3C. Huge thanks to fantasai and to all CSS WG members!

<http://www.gluesoft.co.jp/user/kojiishi/2010/CSS Text & Writing Modes - WDE 2010.pptx>

I'm also attending W3C/Keio forum panel session in Tokyo on 17th:
<http://www.w3.org/2010/11/17-jp-meeting/> (Japanese page)
I'll probably use part of the same slides for 5-7 mins talk, again in case you're interested in.


Received on Monday, 15 November 2010 17:58:02 UTC