Re: [css3-background] New use case for background-position-x (&y!)

On 09/11/2010, Alan Gresley <> wrote:
> Lee Kowalkowski wrote:
> [snip]
>> Your argument is actually absurd, because it's arguing against
>> background-position too, saying one must not use it for image sprites,
>> I'm not wishing to debate that.  Only the omission of
>> background-position-x and -y.
>> Do you actually have an objection against -x and -y?  I haven't seen
>> one.  These "image-sprites are hacks" objections apply to
>> background-position itself also, I'd like to see a specific objection
>> to -x and -y.
> If two implementations support a property, it is possible for it to
> become a standard. The following is supported in IE8+.

As far as I know, background-position-x and background-position-y are
supported in IE 4, Chrome 1, and Safari 3.

> I would like to see your use cases.

Well, I currently have playing card elements with two class names, one
for the card's rank, one for the card's suit.  The rank determines
background-position's X value and the suit determines
background-position's Y.

I currently have to specify all the possibilities of suit/rank
combinations in CSS because I'm unable to specify -x independently of


Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2010 15:09:09 UTC