Re: UI for CSS Media Queries and value-less features

Le 09/11/10 14:28, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :

> @media only all and (color)
> @media all and (color)
> @media (color)

These are not a problem at all.

> I think it is somewhat inevitable that when you use WYSIWYG-mode the
> editor will modify your source code and the way you indent or minimize
> your syntax might get lost. To counter that you could provide syntax

It is not inevitable by principle. It is only invitable because we do
not care about editing when we design something.

> preferences maybe. So that instead of writing out min-color:1 you would
> write out color. This would have the advantage that existing code would
> be cleaned up using those rules too. This is a general problem however
> and not at all a specific problem with Media Queries.

That does not help. Making an intuitive UI dealing with (color) and
(color: 2) is still an issue because they fundamentally represent
different semantics:

   the latter should read (bits-per-color-component: 2)

   the former should be merged with the 'monochrome' feature and
       result in one single feature (colorimetry: color|monochrome)


Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2010 13:55:45 UTC