[css3-flexbox] flexbox questions

While we are discussing Flexbox in general, I'd like to resolve some very specific issues. These are issues to be specified regardless of other potential changes in the module.

*         In reverse direction, what should "pack:start" do?
This combination has opposite effect in Mozilla and Webkit. Which is right?

                border:10px solid blue;
            .flexbox > div
                border:medium solid black;

I prefer Mozilla behavior. It right-aligns by default when direction is reverse.

*         How does max-height on items affect alignment and box height?

Consider this:

            <div style="display:box">

                <div style="height:100px">1</div>

                <div style="max-height:50px">2</div>

                <div style="height:100px">3</div>


                What should the height of the Flexbox be? And heights of the items?
                In Mozilla max-height on any items appears to affect all items. That looks like a bug to me.

*         Where is the baseline of an inline-box?
Again, implementations differ. I am not sure I have a preference. Where should it be?

Received on Wednesday, 26 May 2010 22:31:06 UTC