Re: Selectors, vendor prefixes (again...) and IE9

On Tuesday 2010-05-18 18:11 +1000, Alan Gresley wrote:
> And this is what I am questioning. A pseudo element is a
> manipulation of the DOM by CSS. ::first-letter creates a pseudo line
> box (much like span) and ::first-line changes the formatting of a
> series of line boxes. ::before or ::after generates pseudo element.
> To select (highlight) content of any part of a web document is a
> user action. I can either select, hover, click or bring into focus
> various elements via a mouse, keyboard or other device that acts
> with a UA.
> With the default selection of UA (using Windows), the background
> becomes a opaque or transparent blue (seen with images) and black
> text is changed to white. Why is this considered so different from
> :hover, :active, :focus?

::selection is a pseudo-element for a very simple reason:  it has to
apply to *part* of an element (the part that's selected).
Pseudo-classes either match an element or not; they can't apply to


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Tuesday, 18 May 2010 14:40:49 UTC