Re: [css3-color] #rrggbbaa annotation

On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 1:24 AM, Daniel Glazman
<> wrote:
> Le 25/03/10 06:01, Zack Weinberg a écrit :
>>> I think most developers uses the HEX annotation because it is just
>>> simpler, shorter, cleaner and widely used in graphical applications.
>> In more detail, please?  My immediate reaction is that, far from
>> being "simpler" or "cleaner", #rrggbb is already too hard to read on
>> account of the absence of separators, and tacking an aa component on
>> the end just makes it worse; so I personally don't think #rrggbbaa
>> should be added to CSS at all.  (I'll grant you "shorter", but
>> terseness must give way to readability wherever the two are in
>> conflict.)
> Zack, I agree with Alberto. A lot of people use the hex notation for
> the reasons below:
> 1. if you're using an color picker or a color chart, it's easier to
>   manipulate or copy/paste one token rather than three
> 2. a double-click on an hex token gets everything, you need click-
>   extend on a rgb() notation
> 3. a lot of editing tools prefer the hex notation and output colors
>   in that form; please note Gecko and many CSS OMs output rgb()...
> 4. I disagree it is hard to understand

I use #rrggbb for all my colors, everywhere.  It's just easier to type
and read, and I've gradually picked up an intuition for how it works
(though I use an hsl color picker when I'm actually choosing colors
for a site).  Converting to decimal so I can use rgba() has been an
annoyance every time I've had to do so.  I've always wanted an
#rrggbbaa notation.


Received on Thursday, 25 March 2010 15:31:52 UTC