Re: Fw: [css3-background] border-radius color transitions using gradients (recommended but undefined)

With the two rules I've choosen, we get this result :

Please notice that it can apply on the "border-radius: 0px;"
whithout changing the way user agents renders it currently.

I volontary have decided to use a method that would be
continuous and would have highly predicable results. Maybe
we could do better (=beautifuller) but it would be counter
intuitive and would need exceptions for special cases.

From: "Tab Atkins Jr." <>
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2010 3:54 PM
To: "François REMY" <>
Cc: "Sylvain Galineau" <>; "CSS 3 W3C Group" 
<>; "fantasai" <>; "Daniel 
Glazman" <>
Subject: Re: Fw: [css3-background] border-radius color transitions using 
gradients (recommended but undefined)

> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 2:24 AM, François REMY
> <> wrote:
>> My proposal is to use a linear gradient instead of a
>> complex gradient because generating a linear gradient
>> is a task that can be accelerated by hardware and that's
>> pretty simple, while other proposals like conic gradient
>> are much complex and would need bitmap generation
>> that would not be hardware-boostable.
>> The fact is that a linear gradient can lead to very good
>> results, so there's no need to use more complex solutions.
> Can you show how you expect things to look in the more complex cases
> that we explored?  Particularly, the case where the border-width is
> larger than the radius, so that there is a sharp inner corner, as well
> as the case where the box is *all* border with maximum border-radius
> (that is, an oval of border paint).
> ~TJ

Received on Saturday, 20 March 2010 18:37:15 UTC