Re: [animations] fill modes, revised

On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 12:35 PM, Simon Fraser <> wrote:
> On Mar 2, 2010, at 10:20 am, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> It appears that backwards fill is just a convenience, and could be
>> approximated by baking the delay into the first keyframe?  I'm just
>> making sure I understand it correctly.
> If you only iterate once, that's true. However, if you want the animation to repeat, then you don't have the luxury of extending the first keyframe.
> We'd like to keep the behavior of "delay" as it applies to transitions and animations to be similar; in both cases, it postpones the start of the effect some time into the future, so we think the behavior of animation-fill-mode as it relates to animation-delay is appropriate.

Ah, indeed.  Makes sense, then.  I support these additions.


Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2010 18:37:25 UTC