another vertical text example

Shinyu Murakami wrote:

> The principal writing mode of the document should be
> specified on the root element.
>   html { writing-mode: tb-rl; }
> I put a modified vertical version (writing-mode: tb-rl on the root element):
> Please test this with IE8. The viewport is positioned at the
> beginning of the text (the right side) and can scroll to
> the left (with mouse wheel).

I played around with a reader program, Azur, that displays the same example
in both horizontal and vertical form.  It's swapping top/right based
on the default writing mode. 

Azur Reader:

Original example from Aozora Bunko:

The buttons to flip horizontal/vertical rendering are the second pair of 
buttons on the toolbar.

Horizontal/vertical rendering with squarish window size:

Rendering with slightly taller window size:

Note how the reader splits the vertical text into two rows.  The logic
appears to be the same for horizontal or vertical lines of text, if
the number of characters to be displayed is greater than 35 it breaks
the text into two rows/columns.  Page down functions "normally", it
switches to the next page "down" in the text flow.

John Daggett

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2010 03:25:05 UTC