Re: [css3-text-layout] margin-before/after/start/end etc. and :ttb pseudo-classes

> Is it never the case that an author would write a page assuming vertical presentation?
> e.g. would vertical text never contain a phrase like 'see the diagram to the left' which would 
>be nonsensical if the user rotates the text direction to horizontal, in which case the diagram is now below?

Documents sometimes contains such a phrase, and the diargram sometimes appears in the next folio.

> Based on your comments about 'see page 23' etc. I believe you think this sort of writing is poor 
> and should be discouraged, but does it occur?

Yes, I think such writing does not work when the author does not have complete control 
of the document layout.  I also think that specs like CSS should not try to rescue problems 
caused by such poor writings.  Some implementations might detect such phrases and 
even provide automatic rewriting, but they should be kept outside the scope of 
standardization organizations.


Received on Monday, 7 June 2010 00:47:00 UTC