Re: [CSS21] bidi, text-align, and list markers

> * hello
>                                           OLLEH *

This is what one gets today in IE for <ul dir="ltr"><li>hello</li><li
dir="rtl">HELLO</li></ul>, with default alignment.
In the other browsers, the bullet on the RTL item disappears somehow.
I would say this should be the expected display when the bullet gets its
location from the <li>'s direction.

> * hello
> *                                         OLLEH

This is would be the expected display for the same example as above if the
bullet got its location from the <ul>'s direction.

> * hello

This is what one gets today for <ul dir="ltr"><li>hello</li><li><span
It is also what one would get for <ul dir="ltr"
style="text-align:left"><li>hello</li><li dir="rtl">HELLO</li></ul> if the
bullet got its location from the <ul>'s direction. Instead of
text-align:left, one would really use the proposed new text-align value,
what fantasai calls match-parent. (It would definitely work if put on the
<li>s, but would also work on the <ul>, provided its parent is also ltr.)

> * hello

This is what one gets today for the same example as above in IE. In Firefox
and Opera the "O" is left-aligned with the "h". In WebKet, the bullet
I would say that what Firefox and Opera do should be the expected display
when the bullet gets its location from the <li>'s direction.


On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Phillips, Addison <>wrote:

>  Aharon wrote:
> --
> Please note that this is not the same as controlling the list marker
> location:
> * hello
>                                           OLLEH *
> is not the same as
> * hello
> *                                         OLLEH
> is not the same as
> * hello
> is not the same as
> * hello
> --
> For clarity, could you spell out what combination of proposed attributes
> defines each of the above?
> Addison Phillips
> Globalization Architect (Lab126)
> Chair (W3C I18N, IETF IRI WGs)
> Internationalization is not a feature.
> It is an architecture.

Received on Friday, 4 June 2010 11:01:10 UTC