Re: Text selector [was Re: breaking overflow]

On 1/4/10 11:10 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> Hold on.  Why would we ever allow ::text to have a 'display' property set?
>>   What are the use cases?  I have been assuming that ::text would have
>> restrictions similar to first-letter and first-line.
> I guess we can assume similar restrictions.  Assume, then, that I
> instead applied float:left;clear:left;.

'float' does not apply to first-line.  'clear' does not apply to either 
first-line or first-letter.

Precisely for the reasons you describe, fwiw.

Note that I'm OK with ::text not matching across element boundaries, at 
first glance, and not entirely convinced we want a ::text at all, but if 
we _do_ have it, I think it should have restrictions similar to 
first-line at least.


Received on Monday, 4 January 2010 16:30:39 UTC