Re: [css3-fonts] opentype font feature support

On 24 Feb 2010, at 22:40, John Daggett wrote:

> I've posted an updated version of the CSS3 Fonts Editor's Draft:

I just noticed what I think is an omission in section 6.3:

  <alternates-values> = [stylistic(<number>) | contextual | no-contextual | historical-forms 
                         | styleset(<number> [,<number>]) | swash(<number>) 
                         | contextual-swash(<number>) | ornament(<number>) 
                         | alt-annotation(<number>) | ruby]+

appears to only allow one or two styleset() features to be applied. I think this should read:

  <alternates-values> = [stylistic(<number>) | contextual | no-contextual | historical-forms 
                         | styleset(<number>[,<number>]+) | swash(<number>) 
                         | contextual-swash(<number>) | ornament(<number>) 
                         | alt-annotation(<number>) | ruby]+

(note the extra + sign) so that things like:

  font-variant-alternates: styleset(1,3,6,10);

can be used.


Received on Thursday, 25 February 2010 23:55:10 UTC