Re: [cssom] serializing <color>

On 2/16/10 12:12 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>> In a completely static document, yes. If you set .style.color from
>> script, then every UA I'm aware of has the style attribute value
>> matching the .style.color getter-provided value thereafter.
> Sure, but it is normalized, in the three UAs I tested. Another example
> that tests this scenario:
> <!DOCTYPE html><body>x
> <script>
> = "#000"
> w(
> </script>

Please see my message about the normalization Gecko does and does not 
perform at parse time.

> So if you think this is ok, changing specified values should be ok too
> (and in fact already happens). Figuring out to what degree we want to
> canonicalize them was the idea of this thread. Preserving system colors
> makes sense to me, for instance.

OK.  As far as I'm concerned, preserving system colors is a must and 
preserving named colors is highly desirable for readability 
round-tripping.  I don't have a strong preference for the rest.


Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2010 17:21:20 UTC