Re: collapsible property

(A bit late since SMTP is blocked at school.)

On 2/10/2010 11:43 PM, Daniel Danilatos wrote:
> Inferring orthogonal behaviour from line height or similar properties
> seems kinda hacky and potentially leading to all kinds of corner cases.
> I think it's clearer and simpler to have a property that defines exactly
> the desired behaviour (keep the block element open) and leave things
> like line height and min height to their independent meanings, without
> having to complicate them with extended interpretations

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the issue.

You seem to want an element--when it (A) is empty or (B) all of its 
child elements are empty or (C) all it contains is whitespace--to remain 
one line tall rather than "collapse" to a height of zero when it has no 
content. If this is actually what you want, then all you're trying to do 
is control the presentation of the element's height; I don't see how 
this is "orthogo

Received on Friday, 12 February 2010 04:01:24 UTC