Re: [css-style-attr] SVG WG comments on CSS Styling Attributes Level 1

Hi Fantasai,

--Original Message--:
>> Scientific notation is NOT allowed.
>> I have been asked by the SVG WG to ask the CSS WG, once again, to allow
>> scientific notation for those properties which allow it. In SVG, currently
>> those properties allow scientific notation in presentation attributes but
>> dissallow it in style sheets (style attributes, style elements, external
>> style sheets). This disparity causes user confusion.
>This issue is out of scope for the Styling Attributes specification.
>(Also, the CSSWG has already resolved not to make this change.)

Could I perhaps ask why?

Looking back in time by reading the source code of Unix
edition 7 which dates back _a long time_ (the '70s) I see that the
'C' function 'scanf' can handle parsing scientific notation.

Surely the CSS WG is not advocating we go back to roman

Can we have some proper technical justification for such
a resolution please?



Received on Tuesday, 24 August 2010 12:57:51 UTC