Re: [css3-multicol] How to avoid scrolling up for next column

I agree with Brad here. I'm using a Touch-enabled laptop
and even if I do have an horizontal scrollbar shown on my
browser, having a partial column shown is a good way to
see at first glance that scrolling is possible, while some
other indicators (arrow, shadows, ...) may be applyable,


-----Message d'origine----- 
From: Brad Kemper
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010 7:43 PM
To: Peter Moulder
Subject: Re: [css3-multicol] How to avoid scrolling up for next column

On Aug 22, 2010, at 1:40 AM, Peter Moulder wrote:

> Regarding column width, one could of course specify column width in ems,
> but we found that it's best if there are an integer number of columns
> per viewport: after all, there's pretty much no value for just a partial 
> column
> to be visible, so rather than show N½ columns you might as well show N or 
> N+1.

It seems to me that for horizontal scrolling, it might be good to have a 
partial column showing, as a visual indication that there is more there. 
This is especially helpful on a device like the iPad, where there is no 
scroll indicator visible until after you start scrolling, and where 
scrolling an area like that will end up showing partial columns anyway until 
you get to the end (where, thus, the perfect alignment of the right side of 
the column is an indication that you've reached the end).

> Something else we've found when playing with multi-column layouts (but 
> which we
> haven't looked into carefully) is that the ideal space between columns is
> actually sub-linear in font size: i.e. if you make the font size k% larger 
> then
> the gap between columns should be larger too but by less than k%.  I 
> haven't

I'm sorry, but I didn't understand that last sentence, and didn't find 
anything in the study about gap size, 

Received on Sunday, 22 August 2010 18:07:36 UTC