Re: [CSS21] list-item box generation - editorial issues

On 07/25/2010 05:21 AM, Anton Prowse wrote:
> Issue 1.
> 9.2.1 (Block-level elements and block boxes) says:[1]
> # Some block-level elements generate additional boxes outside of the
> # principal box: 'list-item' elements. These additional boxes are
> # placed with respect to the principal box.
> s/generate/may generate/ assuming that the additional box in question is
> the marker box, which may or may not exist, and may or may not be
> outside the principal block box.

Good catch. This paragraph should also have s/outside of/in addition to/.

> Issue 2.
> 9.2.4 (The 'display' property)[2] says of the 'list-item' value:
> # This value causes an element (e.g., LI in HTML) to generate a
> # principal block box and a list-item inline box.
> 12.5 (Lists) says:[3]
> # An element with 'display: list-item' generates a principal box for
> # the element's content and an optional marker box as a visual
> # indication that the element is a list item.
> 12.5 doesn't actually say how the element's content flows (eg box
> generation), so one assumes it participates in an inline formatting
> context within the list-item's principal block box. This is supported
> by the description of the 'inside' value of the list-style-position
> property:
> # The marker box is the first inline box in the principal block box,
> # after which the element's content flows.
> But then, what is the "list-item inline box" of which 9.2.4 talks? This
> should probably be reworded.
> Also, why doesn't that sentence in 9.2.4 mention the marker box? OK,
> the sentence is followed by "consult the section on lists", but it would
> hardly hurt to mention the marker box at that point, and would be more
> coherent and useful.

Right. We need s/inline box/marker box/ in 9.2.4.


Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2010 20:42:43 UTC