Re: Splitting 'display'

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:
> The "static" and "text" names don't appeal to me:
> 1) Block and inline are fairly well known terms for the inside layout of
> blocks and inlines respectively.

I thought it might be confusing to have "block" and "inline" be in
both display-outside and display-inside, but have different meanings.
But maybe not.  I've changed it to use block and inline for now.

> 2) The relevance of "static" and "text" is not obvious. What's static about
> a block? Its inside contents can certainly change. What's more textual about
> the contents of an inline? A block can certainly contain only text, and an
> inline can contain only non-text.

"static" is a reference to "static flow" or "static positioning", both
of which are used in that section of CSS 2.1 to refer to "normal"
handling of blocks.  "text" is just a reference to the fact that it's
meant for text layout.  It can contain blocks, sure, but generally
something with display-inside:text is meant to have text inside of it,
so that its contents can be merged into the lineboxes of its parent.


Received on Monday, 19 April 2010 16:01:51 UTC