Re: Splitting 'display'

On Apr 16, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> In preparation for a mild rewrite of Flexbox to make the concepts
> expressed in it map to a cleaner model, I've gone ahead and revived
> the idea of "display" as a shorthand.  This is *long* overdue.  I took
> some text from an older WD of the Box module.
> The only significant changes are that I'm using more straightforward
> names for the sub-properties (display-inside and display-outside),
> handle the table and ruby values slightly differently (in what I think
> is a cleaner way), and have changed the names of the block-inside and
> inline-inside values to "static" and "text" respectively.

The "static" and "text" names don't appeal to me:

1) Block and inline are fairly well known terms for the inside layout  
of blocks and inlines respectively.
2) The relevance of "static" and "text" is not obvious. What's static  
about a block? Its inside contents can certainly change. What's more  
textual about the contents of an inline? A block can certainly contain  
only text, and an inline can contain only non-text.


Received on Sunday, 18 April 2010 02:05:19 UTC