Re: [css3-page] Stability of sections of Paged Media

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 8:11 PM, Brad Kemper <> wrote:
> I think you have an out, in the text that says, "the user agent may wish to
> consult the user...". I consider myself consulted whenever I type command-P
> and a box of options comes up. Three of those options correspond with
> overriding numbers 1-3 on that list (I choose the paper size, paper
> orientation, and scale). Number 4 is what actually happens if the page box
> is bigger than the sheet of paper (or what the printer driver thnks the
> sheet of paper is, anyway). Thus, if I select a scale of 200%, the page will
> be tiled to two pages for the right and left sides of the page ("'spilling'
> onto other page sheets"). Safari also will do automatic scaling down of
> everything in order to try to fit contents that are too wide (such as a
> paragraph that is 12in wide on an 8.5" width sheet), but only up to a point
> (around 50%, looks like), then it clips.
> Clipping is what happens in the non-printable areas of the sheet, I think,
> when the page box and sheet size are the same.

It's the "may" and "recommended" and such that are worrisome.  The
team here at Chrome would like some reasonable assurance that the
content will print the way it appeared on screen, and clipping is
their ideal behavior.  On browsers where we have less than sufficient
control, we just won't print within the browser at all - we'll do a
trip back to the server and create a PDF there.

>> 2. Can we depend on setting "@page { margin: 0; }" to mean that the
>> page area is the entire size of the page?
> The page area could have borders around it...

Well, yeah.  That's fine.  ^_^

> I don't see anything that would prevent an author or user style sheet from
> overriding the UA values, so that page margins could be outside the
> printable area.

I didn't see anything either, but the team thought there was something
there, so I was going to ask to make sure I wasn't missing something
before I reported back to them.


Received on Thursday, 15 April 2010 06:17:11 UTC