Re: transitions vs. animations

Chris Marrin wrote:

 > > [example 14]
 > > 
 > >  @animation bounce {
 > >    from { top: 0; }
 > >    33%  { top: -20px; }
 > >    66%  { top: 20px; }
 > >    to   { top: 0; }
 > >  }

 > You're trying to come up with a single syntax that encompasses the
 > functionality of transitions and animations. But in doing so you
 > are introducing a confusing mix of specifying property values in
 > two places: in the style rule, and in the @animation rule.

I'm confused. The @animation thing is in the current specifications,
it's not something new that I'm proposing. If you're uncomfortable
with it, I'm the wrong adressee.

 > You're also introducing a functional notation simply to solve a
 > problem caused by putting to much information in the shorthand
 > property. I know you're trying to simplify things in doing all
 > this, but I think it only makes things more confusing and
 > complicated.

The proposal doesn't depend on a functional notnat -- for an example,
see this message:

But, personally, I find this quite readable:

   on-entry: change(left, 1s), play(bounce, 1s);


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 5 April 2010 20:36:32 UTC