Re: Border-Images and 'round': CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3

On Tuesday 2009-09-29 20:19 -0700, Brad Kemper wrote:
> I'm not against having "repeat" as one of four values for this property, 
> but chopping into the tiles where they meet the corners does not seem 
> like it would ever be the right thing to do.

It could be the right thing to do when the sides are uniform (i.e.,
stretch vs. repeat vs. round makes no difference), since I suspect
repeat may be the fastest in that case (though I'm not sure).

That said, if that's the only use, it would probably be better to
have a keyword for "fastest" that says that implementations should
fill the space using the image the fastest way they can (probably
either repeat or stretch a one-pixel-long segment of the side).

That said, CSS hasn't really gotten involved in this type of
optimization in the past.


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Wednesday, 30 September 2009 19:22:09 UTC