Re: [css3-ui]? Proposal for ::error pseudoelement

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Brad Kemper<> wrote:
> Hopefully, the browser will be doing real-time in-line validation, instead
> of waiting for the form to be submitted. In such a case, there is less need
> for a centralized error list (although it might also be handy to have one as
> a menu or something in the UA UI, for people who pay less attention to the
> messages they get while typing).

I agree that this seems like much better UI to me.  Waiting until
submit is a pain.  The only browser I know of to implement the
constraint validation framework at all does wait till submit right now
-- I hope this doesn't end up being the de facto standard.

(I've been criticizing Opera's HTML 5 forms implementation a bunch on
this list, so let me just clarify that it's great that they
implemented it way before anyone else, and their implementation has
given all of us valuable data on what seems to work well.  Early
adopters usually can't get things exactly right!)

> I just read an excellent ALA article about this, from Sept. 1, which should
> be required reading for anyone involved in these issues:

Thanks, that's a really interesting link.

Received on Thursday, 3 September 2009 16:34:21 UTC