Re: [css3-layout] shorthand for slot construction

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 8:48 PM, Giovanni Campagna
<> wrote:

> This also means that strange flex units are not really needed, you
> just go with percentages on width, height + min-width / min-height.
> Actually, this would make the whole ascii art concept a bit less
> useful (since you need to set the [min-/max-]width, [min-/max-]height
> on the ::slot()). We could go back to the @template syntax in the 2007
> version of css3-layout.

>From a designer's perspective, almost all layout grids (I mean
traditional layout grids, not css3-grid) are very explicit, and
percentages will be good enough for most flexibility. For those rare
instances where they aren't, min/max on the ::slot() shouldn't be a

Why was @template changed?

> In conclusion, my opinion is go tables, go absolute positioning, go
> percentages and go syntax sugar. New layout systems and algorithms are
> not that needed, not in the 2009 world of full CSS2 support.

Right now there is still no actual grid layout system, as tables are
not grids, although they share certain characteristics. Floats are not
layout systems (but have been hacked to work as one) and positioning
can be used to position things on a grid. It is not, however, a grid.
While I see your point, I think we still need one grid layout system.
My opinion is that we should take whatever is necessary from flexbox
and css3-grid (only the 'gr' unit IMO), add them to template layout,
and keep that as a grid layout system. So then:

Template layout = grid layout system
Positioning = position things on and within the grid
Floats = float things within the grid
Table layout = for laying out tables :)


Received on Sunday, 18 October 2009 19:21:13 UTC