Re: [CSS21] should text-decoration propagate to table-cells from table or above?

On Friday 2009-11-13 20:36 -0600, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> I propose the following text to replace the first paragraph in section
> 16.3.1 of CSS 2.1:
> Inline elements cause all of the boxes they generate to be affected by
> any text-decoration specified on the element or propagated from a
> non-inline parent, and further propagate these text-decorations to any
> in-flow children that are not inline-table or inline-block. All other
> elements propagate text-decorations to their in-flow children.
> Non-inline elements with inline children are considered to have an
> anonymous inline box that wraps any inline content.

I agree with the way you're resolving all the propagation
ambiguities.  But I have a few concerns with the wording:

 1. you dropped the bit from the current text that says that the
 color of the decorations is the element's color

 2. the box/element confusion mentioned in [1]

If I could take another attempt at rewriting the text, I'd suggest
changing the current text (the first paragraph that you're also
proposing to replace):

# This property describes decorations that are added to the text of
# an element using the element's color. When specified on an inline
# element, it affects all the boxes generated by that element; for
# all other elements, the decorations are propagated to an anonymous
# inline box that wraps all the in-flow inline children of the
# element, and to any block-level in-flow descendants. It is not,
# however, further propagated to floating and absolutely positioned
# descendants, nor to the contents of 'inline-table' and
# 'inline-block' descendants. 

with this:

# This property describes decorations that are added to the text of
# an element using the element's color.  These decorations must be
# applied to all of the text in the element and its descendants
# except not to text that is inside an inline-block, inline-table,
# or out-of-flow (floating or absolutely positioned) descendant of
# the element.

Given that we've changed the spec to apply text-decorations only to
the text, I actually think the anonymous inline box concept is no
longer necessary here (though I think it would considerably simplify
the sections on line height calculation).



L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Wednesday, 18 November 2009 07:05:23 UTC