Re: [gradients] basics

On Nov 8, 2009, at 7:13 pm, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 7:03 PM, Simon Fraser <> wrote:
>> On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:44 pm, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
>>> Just for the note: I have in years support of gradients in CSS in
>>> the form:
>>> background-color: color | color-tl color-tr color-br color-bl;
>>> where four colors define colors in corners of background box.
>>> This simple construction covers most of linear/radial/diamond- 
>>> gradient
>>> cases and was proven to be very intuitive (for web designers) and  
>>> simple.
>> The current proposal does not, indeed, have anything that would  
>> allow you to
>> do these types of color blends between corners, or diamond-shaped  
>> gradients.
> Correct.  This is mostly for implementation simplicity in v1 - I'm not
> sure exactly what drawing primitives Webkit can rely on, but ROC said
> that the core primitives he has available for Firefox will only easily
> draw linear and radial gradients.  Anything beyond that will require
> going beyond the drawing primitives, which is less performant.
> I was sad about this.  ;_;  But we can always call it a v2 feature.
> The gradients that you can produce right now will cover 80+% of
> use-cases, so I'm happy.  Diamond and box gradients are definitely
> planned for v2, though.  If implementor interest is high enough I can
> throw them in the draft now - I'd want at least two yays for it,
> though.

Please leave them out for now; I'm not aware of a way to do these  
kinds of gradients
efficiently in WebKit.

If your thoughts are to use new functions for these, then there isn't  
a a conflict with the
current proposal and we can leave them for v2.


Received on Monday, 9 November 2009 03:19:18 UTC