Re: [gradients] basics

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 7:03 PM, Simon Fraser <> wrote:
> On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:44 pm, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
>> Just for the note: I have in years support of gradients in CSS in
>> the form:
>> background-color: color | color-tl color-tr color-br color-bl;
>> where four colors define colors in corners of background box.
>> This simple construction covers most of linear/radial/diamond-gradient
>> cases and was proven to be very intuitive (for web designers) and simple.
> The current proposal does not, indeed, have anything that would allow you to
> do these types of color blends between corners, or diamond-shaped gradients.

Correct.  This is mostly for implementation simplicity in v1 - I'm not
sure exactly what drawing primitives Webkit can rely on, but ROC said
that the core primitives he has available for Firefox will only easily
draw linear and radial gradients.  Anything beyond that will require
going beyond the drawing primitives, which is less performant.

I was sad about this.  ;_;  But we can always call it a v2 feature.
The gradients that you can produce right now will cover 80+% of
use-cases, so I'm happy.  Diamond and box gradients are definitely
planned for v2, though.  If implementor interest is high enough I can
throw them in the draft now - I'd want at least two yays for it,


Received on Monday, 9 November 2009 03:14:22 UTC