Re: Comment on Selectors LCWD

> The intention of this section is to explain the behavior of
> selectors in a mixed legacy+updated client environment. It
> is not intended to define any features or recommend any
> particular authoring practices.
> I've marked this section informative, as it should have been.
> Please let me know if this adequately addresses your comment.
Yes, it does. Originally I wanted something affecting conformance along the following lines: make prefix\:NCName match _both_ elements of type prefix:NCName in all namespaces or in the default namespace when one is defined (parsing XML by a namespace-aware parser never results in this, so it's mainly for non-aware ones, but things like createElement("a:b") come to mind) _and_ elements of type NCName in the namespace to which prefix is bound. But given that bindings of prefixes are in CSS separate from those in the styled content, this wouldn't necessarily work without requiring that the style resolver be provided with the content's bindings (was this a problem raised by implementors or perceived as an architectural inconsistency?). Another option might be to include in CSS the content's prefixes of the LinkStyle node (if any) which referenced the stylesheet. This would solve typical cases, like XHTML's style element under html on which all namespaces used in the document are declared, but not embedded fragments in body with their own distinct declarations or xml-stylesheet PIs. So, if the WG believes these issues have been given enough consideration and the current WD is the best conceived resolution of them, I concur.

Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> Maybe we should just remove that section. No other CSS specification  
> documents what boils down to CSS hacks for UAs that do not support a  
> particular feature.
It was already in the CSS Namespaces WD before moving to Selectors. It's a useful piece of information, if not very much for implementors, then certainly for authors. Please keep it (marked as informative guidance) in one of these specs.

Best regards,

Krzysztof Maczyński
Invited Expert, HTML WG

Received on Thursday, 5 November 2009 02:53:52 UTC