Re: new CSS3 Fonts edits

John Daggett <> wrote:

> - unicode-range now defined for U+0-10FFFF

This sentence

# Ranges containing values greater than 10FFFF are also omitted.

would be more future-proof if it read

# Ranges are clipped to the domain of Unicode code points
# (currently 0 - 10FFFF inclusive); a range entirely 
# outside the domain is ignored.

It is not clear how to interpret "[a] range specified with '?' that
lacks an initial digit".  I suggest:

# Interval ranges consisting of a single codepoint are valid.
# Ranges specified with ‘?’ that lack an initial digit (e.g. "U+???")
# are also valid, and are treated as if there was a single 0 before
# the question marks (thus, "U+???" = "U+0???" = "U+0000-0FFF").
# "U+??????" is not a syntax error, even though "U+0??????" would be.

Also, I would recommend some editorial tweaks on that paragraph:

 - move the sentence beginning "Ranges that do not fit any of the
   above three forms..." to the beginning of the paragraph
 - add a comma after "Ranges can overlap"
 - change the comma before "they have no effect" to a semicolon


Received on Monday, 18 May 2009 17:17:15 UTC