Re: CSS3 Web Fonts issue with ?block on downl oad?

David Hyatt wrote:
> An even better solution is obviously "never look bad" and I didn't
> oppose that with my message, so I have no idea why you're attacking me.


I had no intention of attacking you. But I believe that to believe that
in situations, where remote fonts have been approximated by metrics from
local fonts for the purpose of initial rendering (because that's how I
understood your explanation) "you don't see any layout jumping, since
the pages that use downloadable fonts have tended to be well designed"
-- that this belief is somewhat naive.

Obviously I may be flawed, but in my opinion, remote fonts "change
everything" when it comes to web page rendering. I'll happily prepare
examples showing how much the space taken by some web elements differs
once you change/load the font.



Adam Twardoch
| Language Typography Unicode Fonts OpenType
| | |

The illegal we do immediately.
The unconstitutional takes a little longer.
(Henry Kissinger)

Received on Thursday, 7 May 2009 19:12:16 UTC