RE: "Re: [CSS21] rules="all" attribute specification and border-collapse property"

> I don't really understand your point here. For [rules=all], Firefox
> does
> render the borders properly, as demonstrated by GĂ©rard's testcase:

> BCSeparate.html

I am using something far simpler than Gerard's testcase. Load the following in a couple of browsers: 

<!doctype html>
<table rules="all">

The result is identical in Firefox 3.5b4, Opera 9.64 and IE8. WebKit and IE7 seem to honor the author's explicit rules="all" in this case by setting border to 1; IE8, Firefox and Opera do something else that I don't find quite logical (yet) but they all agree. I'm trying to figure out why.
Now try this in the same browsers:

<!doctype html>
<table rules="all" style="border-collapse:separate">

The visible cell borders go away in IE8 and Firefox; Opera shows the left border of each cell. WebKit renders this differently than the first case even though border-collapse's initial value is separate so one would expect the same result.

So while it's useful to agree on what should happen when border is explicitly defined as non-zero and rules="all" is set, other cases may need consideration for this HTML/CSS area to interoperate properly.

Received on Monday, 4 May 2009 22:47:21 UTC