Re: [CSS21] rules="all" attribute specification and border-collapse property

2009/5/2 Gérard Talbot <>:
> Why Microsoft/IE Team keeps closing repeatedly bug 409470 [2]?
> If I define
> <style type="text/css">
> table {border-collapse: separate;}
> </style>
> and then specify
> <table border="4" rules="all"> [3]
> then I see no borders at all around each cells in IE 8 RTW and
> Microsoft/IE Team keeps saying that this is by design, that the spec isn't
> clear enough, that other browsers do the same, etc..

Both the total absence of border and the collapsing border model are bugs.
This because even if UA style had table[rules=all] {border-collapse:collapse; }
author style should be able to override with border-collapse:separate;

> ---------------
>> if you want the separated border model with
> @rules=all, you should set it explicitly in your stylesheet.
> Giovanni, this is exactly and precisely what I did [3] 4 months ago with
> IE 8 RC1 when filing bug 409470 [2]. And I was replied
> "
> We will revisit this when one of the following are met:
> - The specifications clearly define how to act in this situation
> (...)
> "

The specification clearly defines that author stylesheets override
user agent stylesheets. So IE8 has a bug.

> regards, Gérard
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]


Received on Saturday, 2 May 2009 08:49:58 UTC