Consistent styling of Web form elements

Hi, all,

I've constructed 3,500+ screengrabs to look at how ~22 browsers render  
eight form elements against ~20 CSS properties.

I've posted them on my Flickr site, but they can be reached here at

Is this the right sort of topic for this mailing list or is there a  
more appropriate mailing list/group?

My main goal with this resource is to see if we can get some sort of  
standards on how browsers should render form elements through CSS.  
That way designers don't have to use excessive DIVs or resort to  
proprietary CSS properties to make forms behave better in modern  

A demonstration of how browsers get implementations differently can be  
seen in the use of the width property on radio buttons:

Some questions that come up is:

- Should radio buttons be aligned left when width is applied?
- Or should radio buttons be placed in the center?
- Or should they do what FF1.5/Mac did and stretch them out?

Let me know what you think! If you have any other questions in the  
meantime, please don't hesitate to ask.

Christopher Schmitt
Web Design Specialist
Co-Lead, Adobe Task Force for The Web Standards Project
Digital Communications Director, AIGA Cincinnati

Received on Tuesday, 24 March 2009 04:45:55 UTC