Re: New work on fonts at W3C

Also sprach Dave Crossland:

 > >  > 1) Make the family name "No Tresspassing" and the style name " for
 > >  > web use only" in for all web fonts.
 > >
 > > How about removing the family name altogether, i.e., replace it with
 > > an empty string?
 > A FontName name can not be blank, and must be ASCII, and must not
 > contain ()[]{}<>%/ or space.

Is this a requirement in the TT/OT specification, or in the font
API's? Or both.

If a font without a legal name is rejected by the system it could
still be transferred over the web without a name. The browser at the
receving end could, presumably, add a short name ("@", perhaps) before
handing it over to the system.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 22 June 2009 22:19:15 UTC