- From: fantasai <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>
- Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2009 05:39:16 -0700
- To: www-style@w3.org
Summary: - Discussed TPAC planning for the fall and added Test Suites for June F2F - WG chairs encourages browsers to follow dbaron's lead and coordinate on upcoming CSS feature releases - RESOLVED: Add a note to Selectors saying that "Since pseudo-elements are not simple selectors, they are not a valid argument to :not()." - RESOLVED: Make a joint CSS SVG task force, Doug to set it up, specs of common interest to send comments there, mailing list will be *public read-write* - RESOLVED: Publish updated Working Draft of CSS Template Layout Module - Discussed proposals for CSS2.1 Issue 24; resolution needed before updated CR publication. <http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-24> - RESOLVED: In response to Yves' comment <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Feb/0256.html> keep grammar and prose as is for 2.1, defer issue on tightening up grammar to css3. ====== Full minutes below ====== Attendees: Bert Bos Arron Eicholz Elika Etemad Sylvain Galineau Daniel Glazman Melinda Grant Håkon Wium Lie Chris Lilley Peter Linss <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/25-css-irc * fantasai waves to Melinda <fantasai> melinda, I made a number of edits to css3-page, but I haven't checked in yet <fantasai> melinda, don't have net access under linux from here, hopefully will get a chance next week <melinda> fantasai, k, cool. <melinda> fantasai, I may have a few locally that we'll need to merge in... <fantasai> fantasai doesn't have email access this week * ChrisL if you scribe on irc I can send out the minutes ScribeNick: fantasai F2F Meeting in the Fall ----------------------- glazou: deadline for 18th of March for TPAC was extended to April 2 glazou: The number of groups planning to meet is already above expectations glazou: joint meeting with SVG Open? chrisl: That was a fallback if the main meeting didn't go through glazou: I guess we have to find another location for the f2f * fantasai didn't understand that at all glazou: We still have time to find another spot for the TPAC alexmog: Why? glazou: There's not enough room at TPAC, too many groups alexmog: I thought we were going to go with SVG Open because the groups we wanted to meet with weren't going to be at TPAC * shepazu no way... too many groups? chrisl: They downsized the venue * shepazu oy vey! Agenda Items ------------ glazou: I was too busy to read all the comments glazou: Anybody have anything to add, please ask now Bert: Is howcome's draft ready for publication or not? Bert: GCPM or multicol? howcome: They're not done yet, will be done next week Bert: css3-namespaces? fantasai: not done yet <glazou> shepazu: can you be on the call ? <glazou> for item 5 on agenda glazou: anything else? glazou: Sylvain? <shepazu> sure sylvain: We wanted to know if another CSS2.1 draft would be published soon <glazou> thx sylvain: Also wanted to know if anything about test suite will be on the agenda for June F2F sylvain: So we know whether to budget in Arron glazou: June F2F agenda is open for suggestions glazou: please suggest something more detailed than just "Test Suite" glazou: Holiday season starts in June, so please plan your hotels early Follow-up on @import -------------------- glazou: Is this resolved? I saw Sylvain follow-up on this on the mailing list sylvain: I believed we solved this in Tokyo Implementation Status Reports ----------------------------- glazou: Mozilla and Antenna House posted detailed implementation reports to www-style <ChrisL> these are for css 2.1, or for 3? <melinda> Chris, both glazou: I think David Baron has in mind some coordination among browsers glazou: wrt implementation of CSS features for the Web glazou: I encourage other browser vendors to do the same glazou: If Opera, Microsoft, Apple can send this information to www-style as well, that would be very cool :not() and pseudo-elements -------------------------- glazou: There's a clarification to make in the spec http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Mar/0193.html glazou: Sylvain posted a clarification glazou: I think David posted something else <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Mar/0195.html glazou: fantasai also said that she expects a future version of Selectors to accept more in :not() than a simple selectors glazou: Sylvain, which proposal do you prefer? * fantasai hasn't seen these yet glazou: I think David's proposal is more complete sylvain: My proposal was just a clarification glazou: Is everyone ok with David's proposal? <glazou> #The negation pseudo-class, :not(X), is a functional notation #taking a simple selector (excluding the negation pseudo- <glazou> #class itself) as an argument. It represents an element that #is not represented by the argument. <glazou> #Note: Appending a pseudo-element to a simple selector results #in a selector; selectors are not valid negation pseudo <glazou> #class arguments. Peter: The note doesn't clarify that a pseudo-element by itself is not a simple selector fantasai proposese addding a Note that says "Since pseudo-elements are not simple selectors, they are not a valid argument to :not()" RESOLVED: sylvain+fantasai's proposal accepted CSS+SVG Task Force ------------------ Shepazu to summarize Doug: This basically started as something regarding transforms and animations Doug: David Singer thought it would be a good idea for general coordination Doug: It would also involve animations, transitions, other little issues that might pop up Doug: I'm just suggesting we make a mailing list Doug: So we don't have to keep cross-posting glazou: Dean Jackson says he's ok with a mailing list, but not a sub-group Doug: There isn't really any formaility to a task force chrisl: It's just somewhere that we can post to Melinda: My question, this has started off as being specific to 2d-3d transforms Melinda: but then became more general Melinda: If it was just about transforms, then I wouldn't want to subscribe Melinda: If it's more general, maybe discussion of image-fit/image-scaling Melinda: Then I need to subscribe Melinda: Where's the efficiency benefit ChrisL: It's avoiding cross-posting and diverging threads glazou: My problem with the separate group glazou: is that the wg memebers are supposed to keep track of everything that's going on, even if it's not of direct concern to them Doug: My concern wrt transforms, especially Doug: we are both working on different proposals that may end up being the same proposal Doug: If people are sending feedback ... Doug: The SVG WG has already gotten feedback about our trnasforms module Doug: It's got sent to the public SVG mailing list Doug: At what point are we going to be able to .. I'm concerned that emails going to get sent to both lists Doug: separately Doug: And we're not going to coordinate Doug: For SVG group, we just can't track everything that flows through the www-style list ChrisL: It's much more efficient for someone from the csswg to subscribe to just the joint task force list, and not to all the svg lists Doug: For those of us that are subscribed to both lists, it's a big savings for the SVG group so we don't have to track everything Doug: I'm sure you can have the joint mailing list shoved in a filter so it comes to your attention with CSS Doug: Also, if you're not interested in transforms you don't have to monitor the list for the next few months Melinda seems to be ok with this glazou: Open mailing list, or just publicly-viewable agreement on open public read-write * fantasai votes for www-svg-css-coord@ or something like that :) discussion of what David thinks Doug: For specifications like transforms and animations and things like that Doug: That might be the default mailing list for sending comments Doug: I can understand why csswg might not want that, but just a suggestion. SVG group is ok with that Melinda: I think if the CSSWG agrees to establish that new mailing list, I don't see why we wouldn't want to direct comments there Doug: We could have a wiki if we wanted, I dont' think it's necessary discussion of names for the list <sylvaing> svg-css-mafia www-svg-css-coord public-fx RESOLVED: Make a joint CSS SVG task force, Doug to set it up, specs of common interest to send comments there, will be *public read-write* * fantasai isn't minuting the chatter Publishing Template Layout module --------------------------------- Bert: I think it's time for an update Bert: I think I sent also the changes Bert: I removed the part about tabbed layout. interesting, but not so urgent... people aren't talking about it at least Bert: Also updated the title Bert: That's why I want to publish it fantasai: I thought it was called Template Layout MOdule? RESOLVED: publish updated WD of css3-layout Wording for Issue 24 -------------------- <glazou> http://wiki.csswg.org/spec/css2.1#issue-24 <fantasai> It was accepted to fix the problem, but not exactly what wording iirc <glazou> hi mollydotcom <mollydotcom> am I an hour off again? <glazou> yes :) fantasai: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2008Dec/0091.html fantasai: There were two woriding proposals there <glazou> mollydotcom: leave the norwegian TZ :) fantasai: We discussed them and Bert wanted to write another one that was clearer on how the two interact glazou: deferred to next week fantasai: to answer Sylvain's question, we need to solve this issue before publishing CSS2.1 again, because we regressed the text with the last resolution +Cesar_Acebal <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2009JanMar/0212.html Bert summarizes his email <glazou> fantasai, I can't hear you * Bert : fantasai is fading... fantasai: It shouldn't be limited to selectors fantasai: We want all statements to fall under the matching brackets rule fantasai: including @statmeents fantasai: I don't think the requirement to "match" brackets and quotes is hard to understand, it's good enough for now I think fantasai: but it needs to apply to statements and to declarations ACTION: everyone come up with an opinion on Bert's email Others ------ <fantasai> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2009JanMar/0207.html <fantasai> glazou, dbaron had good comments on those <fantasai> see above <ChrisL> it seems to be the usual way to remove things, set the attribute to "" <glazou> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Feb/0256.html dbaron's comment: I think this could be tossed out as a "not all requirements are expressed in the formal grammar". It's a nice-to-have (and perhaps somewhat complicated to get right, so maybe not worth it), but I don't think it's a bug in the spec. glazou: another issue where the grammar is completed by the prose glazou: we will always have these sort of things glazou: not worth the time and complexity grammar to fix peter: why not fix in css3 glazou: ok, we leave for css3.. but not 2.1 bert: which are you talking about now? glazou: points bert at url Bert: So far I haven't seen anything that I would like to change in the grammar glazou: So Yves posted at least 2 issues here glazou: Specifically about 2.1, do we want to change something? RESOLVED: keep grammar and prose as is for 2.1, defer issue to css3 <glazou> ==> tracker Meeting closed. <RRSAgent> http://www.w3.org/2009/03/25-css-minutes.html
Received on Monday, 8 June 2009 18:58:09 UTC