Re: [CSS21] percentage values of 'top'

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Anton Prowse<> wrote:
> <div class="outer">
>        <div class="inner">
>                <p>This is some text</p>
>        </div>
> </div>
> .outer {
>        width: 200px;
>        height: 300px;
> }
> .inner {
>        position: relative;
>        top: 50%
> }
> .inner p {
>        margin: 0;
>        position: relative;
>        top: -50%;
> }
> results in the appearance of "vertical centering" of the p within div.outer
> in IE6 but fails to do so in other browsers.
> Despite it being seemingly regarded as a bug, the IE6 behaviour looks
> correct to me: the top of div.inner is half-way down div.outer, and the top
> of div.inner p is pulled up by half the height of div.inner.
> However, in Fx3.5b4 and Op10b1, whilst the position:relative; top:50%; on
> div.inner is obeyed, the top:-50%; on the child p is ignored.

This is also true on Chromium (0) on Linux (nightly PPA
build, should be quite recent WebKit).  The same happens if bottom:
50% is given.  I can't figure out why either.

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 18:05:12 UTC