Re: Proposal: background-image-opacity or background-opacity

Mark wrote:

> First let me explain how i made this idea up.
> Right now i'm tyring to make image hovers that fade in with
> javascript. The way to do that now is by making 3 divs.
> Not the fading in is the reason multiple elements are needed. Actually
> a container + the possible states (normal and hover).

> That's 2 divs overkill but currently the only way to get it done.
> Now with the css 3 backgrounds module multiple backgrounds are going
> to be supported. Webkit has support for it and Gecko is in the

Whether an image is background or foreground should be a fundamental 
part of the information design.  If image elements were the right 
choice, you need to find, or have created, a way of applying your 
desired styling to image elements, not change to background content just 
to get the styling.

However, I can't help wondering whether this really is an HTML/CSS 
application, rather than being better suited to SVG.
David Woolley
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Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 07:42:37 UTC