Re: @font-face and unicode-range

Also sprach Michael Day:

 > > This is a good improvement I think but maybe it would be better to just
 > > add a string value to the possible values of <urange>.
 > That's a good idea. The definitive source for Unicode block names would 
 > be the Blocks.txt file, eg. for Unicode 5.1:
 > It also includes some rules about matching block names, stating that 
 > casing, whitespace, hyphens, and underscores are all ignored, which 
 > seems reasonable.

Using names humanizes the unicode-range descriptor. However, I'd like
to avoid the need for quote marks. The list you refer to is quite
stable, and there's no need for arbitrary additions. So, why not allow these:

  unicode-range: basic-latin;

instead of

  unicode-range: "Basic Latin";

Of course, we want fonts to go beyond basic latin; especially we want
to encourage them to include the letter "å". This could be encoded as:

  unicode-range: basic-latin, latin-extended-a;

which looks long-winded. How about just:

  unicode-range: latin;  /* Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A, Latin Extended-B */

which looks neat. However, unicode hasn't defined this name so we're
breaking new grounds here.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 1 June 2009 19:32:15 UTC