Re: [CSS3 Colors] HSL colors, hue and allowed values, [CSS3 gcpm] CMYK colors and allowed values.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 29, 2009, at 12:19 PM, Chris Murphy <>  

> But is CSS3 being designed as a command and control language for  
> output devices like printers and printing presses?

I'm talking about being able to specify the same sort of colors for  
print as I can from a desktop publishing app (process colors anyway),  
which do not require color management to use. Sure, color management  
often helps, but even before it existed specifying the CMYK colors for  
print was helpful.

> If it's not, then /deviceCMYK is a bad idea to implement. It will  
> guarantee random results from anyone defining color in such a  
> manner. We have enough problems with color in CSS as it is on the  
> web without compounding it.

No more random than RGB without color management. It's really two  
questions: 1) should CMYK be supported along with RGB, and 2) should  
we have device independant color management. I would say yes to both,  
but waiting for one should not stall the other.

> 100% magenta on a laser printer is a completely different color than  
> 100% magenta on an inkjet.

Yes, and they are both different from rgb(255,0,127). But at least by  
specifying CMYK you are starting out with an assumed gamut that is  
closer to what most CMYK Printers can print than with RGB.  Just as  
designers might assume something like sRGB IEC61966-2.1 screens for  
their untagged RGB output, a printer could assume something like SWOP  
v2 for untagged CMYK output. Then if we eventually can use  ICC  
profiles, so much the better.

> We have gamuts that do not over lap between CMYK devices. How do you  
> suppose that could be contended with if the color space is not  
> specified along with the CMYK value?

All you can do is assume some default profile, and then color manage  
from there, if possible.


Received on Wednesday, 29 July 2009 20:08:06 UTC