Re: How can we improve quality of text content rotated using CSS transform?


On 26/07/09 01:27
> How can we improve quality of text content rotated using CSS transform.
> I tried in firefox and safari on WinXP, the text content rendered
> using -moz-transform/-webkit-transform looks ugly than same content
> screen captured as PNG then rotated using CSS transform.

> In this case cant we re-use CSS property  [...]
>    text-rendering: optimizeQuality

Shouldn't these properties apply to transformed text now?

Especially when using animations, speed can be improved by rendering the 
text to a texture and rotating it (especially when using 3D-transforms), 
opposed to transforming the glyph paths and rendering them using 
sub-pixel anti-aliasing/ClearType.

Now however, it seems as if rotation angle had some influence on 
kerning, in Firefox, I've seen letters jump by some amount around their 
supposed positions when rotating, but I guess this would be a bug in the 
browser where it didn't use sub-pixel positions for the glyphs.

Pascal Germroth

Received on Sunday, 26 July 2009 02:53:11 UTC