Re: [css3-background] should radii be capped?

Also sprach fantasai:

 > The issue has already seen much discussion, not just here but the
 > last time it came up. It's closed, we have a resolution on it,
 > and I do not want to reopen.

The spec is only at WD stage -- when going to CR, W3C will specifically
ask for implementation experience etc. Opera is reporting
implementation experience now and I don't think the disucssion should
be closed at this point.

 > Please note that the use case for border-radius is to round the
 > corners of a CSS box. It is not designed or intended to create
 > wacky shapes.

When other shapes naturally fall out from implementations, it may be
worth reconsidering. Many CSS properties are used in ways that the
designers didn't originally intend. Insisiting on limited use may not
always be the best choice.

Naturally, if Opera is the only ones who see any benefit from
non-circular shapes, it will not happen. But, I believe we crossed
that line by introducing (the syntactically quite challenging)
different border radii for horizontal and vertical radii. 

Here's a suggestion: without the "/", radii are capped. This gives
people the circular, protected shapes they want. However, when the "/"
is used, radii are uncapped (or capped according to other, more
liberal rules). Alternatively, another separator character or keyword
can be introduced to express uncappedness.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Thursday, 23 July 2009 09:13:36 UTC