Re: [CSSWG] CSS3 Lists on

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> I certainly don't see very much utility in putting together a complex
> algorithm that isn't even well-attested historically.  So yeah, just
> throw a limit out there; 1M-1 is as good a place as any.

It could be it is well-attested historically and I don't know it.  I'm
not a particular expert in the Hebrew numbering system.  I learned it
within a few years after learning the decimal numbering system, and
have used it on a daily or at least weekly basis since then, but
that's it.  That's why I'd be interested in knowing Ian's source for
his writeup.  (I assume it was Ian given this blog post of his:  He mentions someone
named Simon Montagu there?)

Received on Friday, 30 January 2009 20:54:03 UTC