Re: [selectors] [css3-content] The ::inside pseudo-element

Giovanni Campagna wrote:
> td::before {
>     text-align: left;
>     content: attr(my|currency,string);
> }
> td {
>     text-align: ",";
>     display:table-cell; /* from UA defaults */
> }
> but this approch has a limit: it introduces a new table cell

Uh... it does?  It shouldn't.  Why does it?

 > that moves
> all subsequent cells on the rigth, destroying the whole layout. What I 
> need is content before cell content, not before cell box itself.

That's what ::before does, yes.  It inserts content inside the box, 
before its DOM children.


Received on Tuesday, 20 January 2009 18:35:29 UTC