Re: @page margin boxes and text-decoration

Hi Alex,

> Your inheritance concern is not about @page, it is about text-decoration, right? That is true, inheritance rules for that are unique ("see prose" is the best we can do for formal definition)... otherwise paged media doesn't make inheritance more difficult - or does it?

This is the spec text:

These properties can be used in the page context to style the content of 
margin boxes:

     * color,
     * font properties,
     * text properties

That is, when set in the page context, the values become the initial 
values for the margin boxes.

This does not include all inheritable properties, and it includes some 
properties which are not inherited, such as text-decoration and related 
properties (eg. text-underline-color, text-underline-style).

It seems easier to say that any inheritable property applied to @page 
will be inherited by margin boxes, in the same manner as inheritance is 
performed on elements. Non-inheritable properties can also be explicitly 
inherited to margin boxes by using the "inherit" keyword.

I think this makes the inheritance much more explicit in terms of how it 
works and how it should be implemented, and the implementation may be 
easier as well as it will be identical to element property inheritance.

Best regards,


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Received on Monday, 19 January 2009 07:36:44 UTC