Re: [css3-background] does border-radius round the border-image ?

L. David Baron wrote:
> On Tuesday 2009-01-13 14:03 -0800, fantasai wrote:
>>> By the way, neither WebKit or FireFox (Minefield) are currently doing  
>>> any clipping of the foreground when 'overfow' is hidden, as this text  
>>> says it should. I agree that they should do so, and maybe that just  
>>> hasn't yet been implemented but will be.
>> Yeah, those should be considered bugs.
> Should they?
> I'm really not sure how this should look when 'overflow' is 'scroll'
> or 'auto', and up to now, 'scroll', 'auto', and 'hidden' work in
> reasonably similar ways.

Yes, we really want to be able to clip image content to the curve of
the border-radius. As for scrollbars, I've added this to the spec:

   # The UA may reduce or treat as zero the border-radius for a
   # given corner if a scrolling mechanism is present in that corner.

So I expect that in a UA whose scrollbars require a sharp corner,
when the scrollbars are present the border-radius is reduced such
that the padding edge's radius is zero. Drawing the curved corner
over or under the scrollbars would look ridiculous, imo.


Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2009 22:46:07 UTC