Re: [css3-gcpm] containing block for top/bottom floats

Also sprach MURAKAMI Shinyu:

 > > However, I agree that GCPM should state that floats float within the
 > > column box unless "page" or "multi-column" is specified.

 > Some questions:
 > If column box does not exist, i.e., no multi-column elements, is 
 > 'float: top' equivalent to 'float: top page'?
 > Table-cells, inline-blocks, floats, and absolute/fixed positioned boxes
 > do not act as containing block for the purpose of 'float: top'?
 > Example:
 > <table>
 >   <tr>
 >     <td>table-cell
 >        <div style="float:top">top-float in table-cell</div>
 >     </td>
 >   </tr>
 > </table>
 > Is this top-float floated to the top of the page, or to the top of the
 > table-cell?

In my mind: top of the table cell. To make the div escape its
containing block, the "page" or "multi-column" keyword is required.

Is this compatible with your thinking (After all, you proposed the
"multi-column" keyword :-)

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 5 January 2009 09:57:11 UTC